Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I've noticed that since I posted my article about the Book of Mormon on Sunday that my blog has received several dozen hits. Perhaps my counter is acting up, or maybe the novelty of having access to an actual Mormon has stirred up interest. Anyway, I want you to know that I am open to questions about my Church. But know that I have no authority to speak on behalf of my Church. I can only share my feelings and insights.

Regardless, feel free to send a question through the comments links. If you don't want the comment posted, tell me, and I won't post it. If it's a question I know the answer to, I'll write a general response and post it on my main blog page.

And it also takes a lot for me to get offended; so even if you feel your question may be offensive to an average Mormon, you can ask me.

Regardless, I'll continue sharing my poetry, essays, and short stories with you all.


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